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Candidaturas abertas para representar a FA no Materiart Instanbul Workshop

Candidaturas abertas para representar a FA no Materiart Instanbul Workshop

Até 10 de fevereiro, está aberta a chamada de participantes para representar a FA no Materiart Instanbul Workshop, nesta edição, subordinado ao tema The Habitus. Podem candidatar-se alunos do 3.º e do 4.º ano de todos os cursos de 1.º e de 2.º ciclo da FA. A seleção dos cinco alunos que representarão a FA no worsshop será feita consoante a classificação dos alunos na unidade curricular de Projeto no 1.º semestre deste ano letivo. A candidatura deve ser apresentava através de contacto direto para o Professor Jorge Mealha, através do e-mail Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.



The concept -Habitus-  reaches back to Aristotle who used it as hexis, translated as state, implying the duration both space and time (Urmson, 1973; Malikail, 2003). According to Dorland's Medical Dictionary (2007), in medical culture, the term habitus refers to "1. posture or position of the body. 2. Physique; body build and constitution" (p. 826). While habitus is seen as a somewhat abstract concept to define, sociologists of culture and of the body have used it, however, to explore how social location (not only class, but also gender and ethnicity) is linked to cultural patterns and choices. […]

The MATERIART Istanbul Workshop focuses on the question of relating the notion of habitus to the future within the context of Istanbul, and calls for design proposals for an intervention along the Golden Horn to support the creation and development of “a habitus of the future”. The Golden Horn (Haliç) is one of the waterways existent in the historic fabric of this metropolitan city, and a natural estuary that joins the Bosporus Strait at the point where it meets the Sea of Marmara. The waters of the Golden Horn help define the northern boundary of the peninsula of "Old Istanbul" (ancient Byzantium and Constantinople). […]

Proposals are called for a design intervention/mediation in one of the selected regions along the Golden Horn that may develop an envisioned habitus of the future, particular to that place and its “inhabitants” at large, and also with regards to issues of new materiality in architecture. Based on critical analysis of the characteristics of the region/site past and present, its physical, cultural, and social structures, what would you propose, as architects, towards transforming it into a state that would afford people’s living in the ways of the envisioned future. 

Schedule and Location

The MATERIART INSTANBUL WORKSHOP will be held between the 4th and the 9th April 2019 at Istanbul Technical University  (ITU), Turkey


10 fevereiro 2020


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