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Master in Communication Design

The Master study in Communication Design aims to develop and deepen the training of designers, capable of addressing current professional needs and to perform tasks in the specialized domain of Communication Design in project, teaching, research and through cultural action. The study aims at the acquisition of knowledge and analytical and reflexive skills, as well as the ability to problematize and think critically in a thorough and specialized way, within a frame of amplitude and versatility capable of responding to current and expectable needs within the professional spaces of area, encouraging productive thinking, and the detection of design and entrepreneurship opportunities.
Competencies to be acquired:
  • Advanced competencies in project, in diverse scales and dimensions (conceptual, cultural, social, technological, productive, organizational);
  • Technological competencies in pre-press and digital finishing art;
  • Research competencies oriented towards the development of a master’s dissertation (theoretical or theoretical-practical);
  • Competencies of disciplinary and multidisciplinary team coordination.
Graduates in Design, or related areas, who wish to develop or deepen their training in Communication Design.
Obtaining the Degree of Master
The course promotes the culture of the project in a collaborative environment (studio/atelier).
The fourth semester is fully dedicated to:
  • The preparation of an individual, theoretical, practical or theoretical-practical research project under the scientific guidance of a teacher or a specialist recognized by the FA Scientific Council;
  • The completion of an internship to be supervised in a company or body and supervised scientifically by an FA teacher;
The formative process culminates in the presentation and defence of the final document in a public examinations setting to obtain the degree of Master.
Professional Outputs
Communication Designer, Integrated communication strategy manager for institutions and companies from diverse sectors of activity, communication design consultant, editorial designer, digital and UX interface designer, infographics designer, digital final artist, event designer, illustrator, digital animation designer, image and social networks manager, researcher, entrepreneur.
Socio-professional background:
    • Self-employed worker, businessperson, entrepreneur
      • Freelancer
      • Individual entrepreneur
      • Entrepreneur 
Employee in public or private companies / organizations
      • Communication design companies;
      • Companies that develop applications for mobile platforms;
      • Web design companies;
      • Companies that develop communication and image for social networks;
      • Web content production companies (mobile and static);
      • Advertising agencies;
      • Communication and image directions;
      • Communication design departments;
      • Image departments;
      • Communication and image of NGOs and third sector companies;
      • Public relations agencies;
      • Event companies;
      • Press office cabinets;
      • Teaching in secondary and higher education institutions (polytechnic or university);
      • Scholar/researcher in research units (companies, foundations or universities).
Teaching Staff
The teaching staff of the Master in Communication Design includes professionals with a vast experience in project, as well as teachers from the other curricular areas present in this training that teach the specific contents to each curricular unit in an integrative perspective and articulated by a global view of the course and competences to be acquired.

The academic path is enriched by the regular offer of workshops, free courses, conferences with external guests, and multiple initiatives of connection to society, including protocols with municipalities and other entities.
