GRAS Arquitectos Estudio is looking for an architecture or interior architecture student for an internship

GRAS Arquitectos Estudio is looking for an architecture or interior architecture student for an internship


GRAS Arquitectos Estudio is looking for an architecture or interior architecture student for an internship of minimum 4 months, who really would like to do an internship in the studio.

The team is looking for students in the last year of the course or with the first three years of the University completed with good grades and a very good English or Spanish level.
The student must have high Knowledge of AutoCad, InDesign and Photoshop.

40h per week:
From Monday to Thursday from 08:30 to 17:30 (1st break 15min, 2nd break 30min).
Friday from 08:30 to 14:30 (one break 15min).
Weekends free.

Payment Netto 550€ per Month.

A must: CV or Portfolio to Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.


22 agosto 2023


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