
Integrated Master in Architecture
Specialization Profile in Architecture, Urbanism, City and Territory

The specialization profile in Architecture, Urbanism, City and Territory enriches the Integrated Master in Architecture with a reinforced approach to issues related to the city and the territory, thus contributing to the formation of a professional capable of thinking about the urban object as a living organism and in constant transformation.
This specialization profile seeks to start from the thought and design of buildings to build the city and thus play an active role not only in space planning and urban/architectural design but also in life, culture and life challenges in the city.
This profile thus provides a more comprehensive training, becoming a factor of differentiation and competitiveness in the national and international labour market.
The area of Urbanism at FA has been distinguished with the AESOP Quality Seal – Association of European Schools of Planning, being thus considered that it meets European standards of quality in its planning programmes, complemented by an effective internationalization of teaching and learning processes. Moreover, the Urbanism teaching staff develops several lines of research, with the involvement of students, reinforcing an advanced training that is internationally recognized.
Cities are an ever open project, permanently being imagined, concretized and reinvented. They are the result of small and large actions on behalf of all of us. They are physical constructions, but also expressions of culture, of conviviality, and of ways of living of a society. In that sense, it is up to architects and, in particular, to those with a specialized training in Urbanism, to tackle the challenge of designing the space, imagining and projecting the places we inhabit, work, learn, and socialize in.
Teaching Staff
The teaching staff of the Integrated Master in Architecture with Specialization in Urbanism includes professionals with a vast experience in project, as well as teachers from the other curricular areas present in this training that teach the specific contents to each curricular unit in an integrative perspective and articulated by a global view of the course and competences to be acquired.
4th year
     João Silva Leite, António Amado


5th year

     Luís Carvalho, and teacher to be defined
The academic path is enriched by the regular offer of workshops, free courses, conferences with external guests, and multiple initiatives of connection to society, including protocols with municipalities and other entities.

Visit Urbanism website
